Carpenter Tim reviews the system!

Carpenter Tim Jaederfeldt secretly tested the ESSBOX+ system for six months before it was released on the market. Hear what he thinks and how he uses the system.
Snickare står med organisationssystemet ESSBOX+ utanför sin verkstad.

ESSBOX+ System the review

Which part of the system is your favorite?

- The bag, the size is perfect! Bigger than Mini and smaller than Original. Since the bags can be linked together, I can carry more in one hand. And I'm not the only one who has lifted an unlocked bag and managed to whip out all the contents onto the floor? The split handle makes that impossible. So brilliant!

The system was developed to reduce carpenters' everyday stress. Has it worked?

- Oh yes, the system saves time in several ways. The bag gives me order on the screw, in the back I can fit quite a lot of stuff - more than I first thought - the nip solves that I get everything I need in one fell swoop from car to building. Without patting your back.

So how many meters do you save by walking just one turn from the car?

- Sometimes I am forced to park several hundred meters from a building. Other times I have to crawl up a steep hill. So not having to go several turns to get everything will save a lot of time.

What are you going to do with all the time you save? More coffee breaks?

- Haha, I don't need more coffee. For me, less mess at work means more time with my six children.

Tim's best advice on how to optimize the system

1. Put the lids under the box in the ESSBOX case

I still see many carpenters who still do not understand the greatness of it. With the lid under the box, you can immediately see what, and how much, there is of everything!

2. Use the green compartments that come with Store-It

With the help of them, you easily structure the slope so that you can quickly find your way there.

3. The trolley (Roll-It)  transports everything

I use it for almost all transport. It is small and flexible but can take up to 125 kg. Cement bags, lumber... you name it!

Snickare ler mot kamera och håller i ett set av organisationssystemet ESSBOX+.
En öppnad ESSBOX+ väska fylld med skruv står på ett verkstadsbord.
En svart back från ESSBOX+ systemet står fylld med prylar på verkstadsgolv.
Hela ESSBOX+ systemet rullas på transportkärran på en grusväg.

This is how the system works

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