Swedish production and recycled plastic

Minimal wastage, energy savings in manufacturing and reduced transport emissions. There are benefits with the ESSBOX+ System, which was developed to give carpenters full control of the tools.
Snickare lyfter in en väska från en transportkärra i sin arbetsbil.

Every screw matters

The manufacture of steel products accounts for 78.9% of ESSVE's total carbon footprint. Now a recent survey* shows that up to 20% of all screws that are bought are never used. They get lost, rust or remain unused.

As one of the largest screw manufacturers in the Nordics, we must work to ensure that every screw that is produced is also used. That's why we developed the ESSBOX+ System. An organization and transport solution that makes it easier for carpenters to keep track of screws, all the way from the workshop to the construction site.

Waste facts from a new survey*
  • 52% of Nordic carpenters state that between 5 and 10% of screws are wasted.
  • For 18.6% of the carpenters, it is estimated that 10-20% will be wasted.
  • 67.4% admit that the order and overview of tools, screws and fasteners could be better.
  • 11.6% let us know that they have no idea about the gadgets at all.

* The survey was carried out by Mantap Global AB on behalf of ESSVE and contains answers from 258 carpenters who were asked.

Plan your project and purchase screws according to the plan. Don't buy more than you need.

Planera ditt projekt noggrant och köp skruv i enlighet med planen. Köp inte mer än du behöver.

Keep track on your screws! With a good overview of your screws, you don't have to buy screws that you probably already have... Somewhere...

Håll koll på skruven! Med bra översikt på skruv slipper du köpa dubbelt så mycket av skruv som nog redan finns... Någonstans...

Construction sites are messy and the weather unpredictable. Screws in waterproof packaging reduce the risk of missing and rusty screws.

Byggplatser är röriga och vädret oförutsägbart. Skruv i vattentät förpackning minskar risk för försvunna och rostiga skruvar.

En man inspekterar ESSBOX+ väskans lock på ett produktionsband i industrimiljö.

Swedish production and recycled plastic

The goal of ESSBOX+ System is to organize and streamline the carpenter's working day, but an important part is also to create a more climate-friendly product. The black crate, Store-It, and parts of the ESSBOX case, Organize-It, are now manufactured from recycled plastic, which has approx. 50% lower climate impact than newly produced plastic.

- Our goal is that the entire case and the screw boxes should be made of recycled plastic, but since the material is both milky and has large color variations, we have to test our way, says technically responsible product developer Christofer Lindberg.

The production move to Sweden from Taiwan has had positive consequences from a sustainability perspective, says Christofer:

- The transport of an ESSBOX case from Taiwan to our warehouse in Ulricehamn produced 1.7kg of Co2 emissions. When the bag is now instead transported from Småland, it results in 20g of Co2.

The choice of recycled material and the relocation of production from Taiwan to Sweden have thus resulted in a reduced climate impact.

A step towards a more sustainable business

Stair carpenter Julia Ardesjö is one of the carpenters who helped develop the ESSBOX+ System. Julia is a staircase carpenter who has high goals when it comes to sustainability. This means, among other things, that most of the wood comes from the family's own forest, to take care of and maintain tools properly and to plan for a solar-powered carpentry long term.

- The idea of sustainability is also about making sure that everything I buy is used. That every screw produced is actually used. In the past quite a lot of screws disappeared. It is unsustainable when steel production makes such a large carbon footprint. ESSBOX Plus will make a difference for many craftsmen, says Julia.

En leende snickare bär på ett vagnstycke till en trappa.
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